It is March and the lovely EnigMarch people have challenged puzzle designers to write a puzzle inspired by today's word: "ship".
Oh no! The USA clown President Trump (egged on by his buffoonish adviser Elon Musk) wants to take away birthright citizenship! It's in the USA constitution, but it's not like he swore an oath to uphold that old rag, right? Anyhow, federal judges keep stopping him. This must be very frustrating.
So let's take away from some other -ships. Below are some clues for some -ship words. The clues are kinda vague, so you probably want to look at the "What remains" section down there. For each of those, you want to add one letter, then re-arrange, and then put a -ship on the end. That will give you one of the -ship words. You can see that we added a T to carotid to get the dictator in dictatorship.
Keep track of those letters you added. When you're done, you'll get the name of a ship that was directed about as well as Trump directs the USA. It feels like he's trying to reach Autocracy; but his track record says he'll hit Bankruptcy (again) first.
Autocracy: | dicⓉator ship |
Political tilt: | ____________ship |
It might be marital: | ____________ship |
Nice board seat: | ____________ship |
Good will: | ____________ship |
Following: | ____________ship |
Bankruptcy: | ____________ship |
What remains: aileron, carotid, fired!, reverie, rich man, spartan, spliced
Clues, rot-13'd:
- Nvyreba trgf n G.
- Vg gheaf bhg qvfpvcyrfuvc vf n guvat. Frr, V'z glcvat vg urer naq gurer nera'g nal erq fdhvttyrf.
- Jub'f zbfg yvxryl gb trg n punveznafuvc?
Solution, rot-13'd:
pnebgvq / qvpGngbefuvc / Nhgbpenpl fcnegna / cnegVfnafuvc / Gvyg nvyreba / erynGvbafuvc / Vg zvtug or znevgny evpu zna / puNveznafuvc / Avpr obneq frng sverq / sevrAqfuvc / Tbbq jvyy fcyvprq / qVfpvcyrfuvc / Sbyybjvat erirevr / erPrvirefuvc / Onaxehcgpl