Book Report: Sailing a Serious Ocean
If you want to sail around the world and/or across big oceans, this book probably is a good introduction to how to think about planning, dealing with heavy weather, emergency boat repairs, etc. If yo...
Site: Uploaded Sailing Story
When everything goes right on a sailing trip, there's usually not much to tell. Maybe you've read some of my "very boring sailing travelog"s. They're not so interesting; not much happens. Earlier t...
Book Report: Cork Boat
As an occasionally obnoxious person who tries to talk his friends into strange activities, I was glad to read the autobiography of an occasionally obnoxious person (John Pollack) who talks his friend...
Current Events
This is a blog; it is largely about books. Today the blogosphere is abuzz with news about a book: the new Harry Potter book is out. I spent the day sailing. Thus, I had a fun time with Piaw and Li...
Book Report: Two Voyages to the South Seas
As a French explorer, the great ship's captain and navigator Dumont d'Urville helped advance English colonization. D'Urville explored some uninhabited spot on Australia's Eastern coast. This told t...