Larry Hosken: New: Tag: social-web

Another Silicon Valley Comic Today I picked up a physical copy of Terms of Service, a non-fiction comic about how we decide to expose our private information to each other and/or to conglomerates. But I could have read it online...


If you're in Google Plus and want to encircle me, I am lahosken [at] gmail [dot] com. Not much stuff of mine will show up there any time soon; I couldn't find a way to import my blog posts there yet...


When I write a post at this here blog, that post gets around. It's syndicated on Friendfeed, Google Buzz, LJ, FB, ... and probably other places I forgot. People can comment on it in all those place...


Site Update: No Comment Today, I'm home sick. I've been sleeping; when not sleeping, I've been sleepy. Meanwhile, I have a long TODO list. Surely, some item on that list was something that I could take care of, even if s...


Life of Pi: Another Perspective You might have noticed that I changed my blogging software recently. Yes, I do go on about it. Sorry. As part of this, I shut down's access to my web site's file system. Otherwise, it...


Rapid Development: an Example Speaking of Rapid Development... There's a protocol called pubsubhubbub by which your blog can tell the world that it's updated. Usually when I hear the word "protocol", that means "oh man, complica...

