Puzzlehunts are Everywhere, even my Parents' House

Yeah, I should really work on a write-up about BANG XX. But today I hung out with family. My cousin Nancy, her husband, and her son came over to my parents' place for a visit, staying last night & today. Conversation last night revealed that her son likes treasure hunt games. My parents helpfully pointed out that I could make a treasure hunt game. So this morning, while I waited on some errands at home before heading back to my parents' place to continue the family frolic, I wrote a little treasure hunt, jotting down puzzles and riddles on seven index cards, ready to tape up at various spots in the house.

I tried to aim it at a five-year-old, didn't know if I could. I didn't know how good he was at reading--I knew he could read "cat" but maybe not "valentine". But he'd almost certainly have a grown-up along providing help. Could I get away with using good word-puzzly words like "gubernatorial"? What if he didn't need to understand those words? Hmm, my thoughts waffled. I needn't have worried, though. When I mentioned this morning that I'd brought over a treasure hunt, it turned out that he wanted to run the hunt, not play in it. So... we had a puzzlehunt that was probably too hard for a five-year-old, but probably too easy for four clever grown-ups. Then again, the kid seemed to enjoy watching them going through the puzzlehunt anyhow, so... Success, I guess.

You can see how you would have done. I dunno how easy this is if you aren't familiar with my parents' house, and you probably aren't.

First puzzle:

In the Garden:

Yellow on the outside
White inside the outside
Yellow inside the inside the outside

Second puzzle:

In front of the house:

I clean shoes,
But I'm dirtier than feet

Look under me

Third puzzle:

In the first floor hallway:

My first is in CHEETAH , but not in COMPLICATED
My second is in PUMA , but not in MISPRONOUNCED
My third is in LION, but not in COPYCATTING
My fourth is in LYNX, but not in OXYMORON

Look on the floor

Fourth puzzle:

In the living room:

[Here, there was a long strip cut out of the index card. Underneath were taped pieces of index card. The pieces said

  • DIO
  • DOL
  • DRA
  • HIN
  • KBE
  • LOO


the fifth puzzle:

In the ground floor hallway:

"House" has five letters
I don't know how they got there
A house can have letters, too.
How do they get in?

the sixth puzzle:

In the kitchen:

The coldest door in the house!

...and the seventh puzzle showed a simple pigpen cipher and a message encoded in that cipher.
So I still don't know whether or not this puzzle would have worked OK for a five-year-old. But now I know that grown-ups are good sports about tromping around the house solving clues.

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Book Report: The Lindbergh Child

It's rough being famous. You just want to go about your life, but there are jerks out there watching you. It's creepy. And some of those jerks do worse than just watch.

The comic book The Lindbergh Child is by Rick Geary. It's about the Lindbergh baby kidnapping. Just in case you don't remember how that story went, this book is another in Geary's books about historical murders. So, yeah, it ends sadly. But it's an interesting story and Geary, as usual, tells it well with his not-exactly-stipple-I-don't-know-what-you-call-it style. Check it out.

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Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, Even Epcot

A couple of jobs ago, I worked with this funny programmer guy named Chuck Jordan. Lately, he's been a consulting imagineer for Disney, working on a top-secret hush-hush project. But now he's allowed to blog about it--and it's a puzzle hunt! Well, it's a treasure hunt for kids, so maybe I shouldn't call it "puzzle hunt". Still, it's a neat parallel. Anyhow, he wrote about it, and then he wrote about it some more.

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Book Report: Little Star

It's a family drama about new parents making tough choices between family life and career. Ah, it's OK. It has pretty Andi Watson art, which helps a lot.

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World Addition: Zoe Loftesness

Holy moly, Dave and Penny had a kid. Early indicators suggest extreme cuteness. Extra hippy-dippy style points for being born in a tub of water. Extra high-tech style points for being announced on googlepages.

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