Ah, Sutro Heights Park. I thought that this was Very Significant starting place, but I was wrong. This game had had an interesting application process: a scavenger hunt. I shopped for one target item: old postcards. Really, I was looking for a pair of postcards showing the same place at different times. While in Seattle, I'd picked up a bunch of old San Francisco postcards. Back in San Francisco, I'd found a match for one of those postcards to form a pair. But what was I going to do with all of these old leftover singleton postcards?
I had tossed them in with the rest of our application as a bribe. I knew that Corey, one of the Burninators, collected old postcards. Maybe he'd like these. Or not. When I handed them over, Corey said, "I already have most of these."
Anyhow, we knew that the Burninators had acquired lots of old postcards. And I knew that one of those postcards showed Sutro Heights Park. Had the Burninators chosen clue sites based on postcards they had available?
Lest I keep you in suspense: No. That was a red herring.