Excerpt from mail sent 2000:
A brief interruption just now: my doorbell rang and then, seconds later, my apartment door opened and in walked my landlady. I was sitting here in my underwear, typing this mail.
I wonder which of us was more embarassed.
Me, I guess. Apparently, I didn't deal with my rent this month. I could have sworn I had, but then I'm not always as aware of the world around me as the world would like. So I just now wrote out a couple of checks.
But first I put on some pants...
Interspersed with writing this mail, I've been straightening up my apartment. Maybe it's because the landlady burst in. Maybe it's because when Rob and Suruchi were driving me home from Kodo last night, and Suruchi was saying maybe she wanted to come up to my apartment to use the bathroom before they drove all the way down to Palo Alto.
I think a noise might have escaped my throat at her suggestion. That noise might have been "Eeeurgh." Anyhow, after she loosened her seatbelt, she changed her mind, but nonetheless I did some cleaning up yesterday. And now I've done some today.
For the first time in months, my couch is a couch instead of a bed. There is now only a couch-ful of unsorted papers on top of it. Why, that's a 50% crap reduction right there.