"Viscous materials, especially ink, is
often difficult to work with."
Clawson Container Company Catalog, showing rare insight into the writer's burden
Sometimes I write things that aren't
Sometimes they're explicitly about me—those things
have their own page.
This page is for things that aren't stories and
that aren't about me. Some of them aren't even
- Always respect the rice.
T.A. Variations
- Totally Automated Variations on some art about
The Alphabet by
Tauba Auerbach
The Basic Eight vs. Lowell High School
- Figuring out a roman a clef set in my high school
- Daily Nonsense
- I wrote a perl program to Markovly dissociate text each night.
It puts the results up on the web.
- Platinum Myanmar Milk Tea
- I drank some instant tea, but first I took photos.
Because I noticed I couldn't find much online about this tea
(aside from links to websites that I got tired of waiting for…
I guess they were all on the other side of slow trans-Pacific cables?).
- Bonobo Lexigrams
- I sliced up and transcribed some lexigrams that the Ape Initiative
uses to work with bonobos
- Excerpt from Submarine Cable Laying and Repairing
- I didn't write this. Rather, I copied it out of a hundred-year-old
book on repairing undersea cables. It is about specialized grappling
hooks and grapnels.
- Programs
- If you're not a computer programmer, these definitely won't
interest you. If you are a computer programmer, then they
might or might not.
- Dreams
- I don't remember most of my dreams. But I've written some down.
- Poetry
- I've written some poems. Most of them rhyme.
- Photos
- I've taken photos of some things I've never seen photos of.
- Fave Reads
- I read a lot. Here's my fave reads for 2004 and earlier.
For later years, check the
- Japanese Ska and Punk
- Mini-reviews of some Japanese Ska and Punk bands
- Curtis H Anderson File
- I didn't write these. I just typed up some things that this other
guy wrote
- Extending Embedded Python with SWIG
- If you don't know what the title means, then you aren't interested.
- Artificial Life in the Marketplace
- An exploration of game theory and genetic algorithms, watching reciprocity coalesce in a soup of self-interest.
- St Columba: Patron Saint of File-Sharers
- A subject about which I can write with a near-total lack of authority.
- st-ladder
- Memory drill for major San Francisco streets
- De Gustibus
- A few words on the subject of Quality.
- Doom WAD
- Back when Doom was the coolest game around, I made a WAD
(set of adventures) for it. I haven't uploaded the WAD
to this site, but I did put up its README file. As far as
I know, this was the only WAD that came with a bibliography.
But I haven't looked too hard.
- Larry's Bike FAQ
- These are answers to frequently asked questions about my bike.
- Adventure!
- This is an adventure based on something that happened to me.
Maybe I should put it on my anecdote page
instead of here.
- Apocryphcal Zen Koan
- How a technical writer achieves calm.
- Twitter vs O RLY?
- Meme mash-up.