Larry Hosken: New: Tag: puzzle-scene

It is March and the lovely EnigMarch people have challenged puzzle designers to write a puzzle inspired by today's word: "link".

There's no story or secret message today. This is just a word ladder. If it's working correctly, then typing a letter in one square will make that letter also appear in the appropriate squares in the same row and in the adjacent rows above and below.

But if typing in letters haphazardly is no fun, know this: these are the names of USA presidents since 1937 ordered by their average approval ratings in polls. Highest approval rating is at the top, lowest is at the bottom.

[quiz | solution ]


Lowest average approval rating, hmm. Who could it be?

If you would have preferred a tougher step-linking challenge, check out the Raddle daily puzzle page. I tried it out and I liked it so far.


It is March and the lovely EnigMarch people have challenged puzzle designers to write a puzzle inspired by today's word: "turn".

Oh no! The USA clown President Trump (egged on by his buffoonish adviser Elon Musk) needs to appoint cabinet members and agency heads! He certainly doesn't want to choose based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, because that's liberal code for excluding failsons such as himself. Instead, he will choose based on merit. But, to fit the theme of this puzzle, he must give the meaning of merit a 180-degree turn.

For each dunderhead listed below, choose a job for them based on their qualifications. Write the four-letter job code in the blanks. You can see we already wrote ECON in for Kevin Hassett. When you're done, the circled letters should spell out another word for "turn".

EO N   :
Kevin Hassett
He coauthored Dow 36,000, a book which predicted a 4x rise in the stock market (a year before the market fell 37%). In early 2020, he predicted coronavirus deaths would be near-zero by May and thus encouraged the administration to re-open the economy.
_ _◯_   :
Linda McMahon
When vetted for the Connecticut Board of Education, she lied about having a bachelor's degree in education.
_◯_ _   :
Sean Duffy
His understanding of climate change could explain his later elimination of electric vehicle incentives: "If you say the climate's changing, is it coming from CO2 or is it coming from the sun?" (Must have been a strong contender for head of NOAA, but that job went to the Sharpiegate guy, so find another job.)
◯_ _ _   :
Pete Hegseth
Encouraged Trump to pardon soldiers convicted of war crimes.
_ _ _◯   :
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Spread anti-vaccine misinformation and disinformation.
_◯_ _   :
Billy Long
During his time representing Southwest Missouri in Congress, he pursued legislation to abolish the Internal Revenue Service.

Job codes (and full titles)

DEFE : Secretary of Defense

ECON : Director of the National Economic Council

EDUC : Secretary of Educaction

HEAL : Secretary of Health and Human Services

REVE : Commisioner of Internal Revenue

TRAN : Secretary of Transportation


Solution, rot-13'd:

Xriva Unffrgg        : rPba
Yvaqn ZpZnuba        : rqHp
Frna Qhssl           : gEna
Crgr Urtfrgu         : Qrsr
Eboreg S Xraarql We. : urnY
Ovyyl Ybat           : eRir


It is March and the lovely EnigMarch people have challenged puzzle designers to write a puzzle inspired by today's word: "trap".

Oh no! The USA clown President Trump (egged on by his buffoonish adviser Elon Musk) said he was doing his part to help the economy by imposing tarriffs, but in fact fell into a trap. Now investors have figured out that the economy is trashed and they're selling off stock in American companies. Kind of interesting how trap and part are spelled backwards-ly.

Anyhow, solve this puzzle and the circled letters will tell you a word for someone who does things backwards-ly from what he said.

🦇🦇🦇: ◯_ _ _   _ _ _ _  :🔪🔪🔪
sketch: _ _◯_   _ _ _ _  :protect
Not PCs: _ _◯_   _ _ _ _  :trap
🪢: ◯_ _ _   _ _ _ _  :Honky-____
March 1: _ _ _◯   _ _ _ _  :🐺
🐾🐾🐾: _◯_ _   _ _ _ _  :🔄
🦌: _ _ _◯   _ _ _ _  :River-side plant
Having double nature: ◯_ _ _   _ _ _ _  :Praise
Catan is ____ 10+: _ _ _◯   _ _ _ _  :Game machine
🐀🐀🐀: ◯_ _ _   _ _ _ _  :⭐
____ Neeson: _ _◯_   _ _ _ _  :📨
👿: _ _◯_   _ _ _ _  :Not pre-recorded
🪢 part: ◯_ _ _   _ _ _ _  :Merge

Some hints, rot-13'd:

All the puzzle data, also rot-13'd:

o / ongf / 🦇🦇🦇 / 🔪🔪🔪
n / qenj / fxrgpu / cebgrpg
p / znpf / Abg CPf / genc
x / xabg / 🪢 / Ubaxl-____
j / sybj / Znepu 1 / 🐺
n / cnjf / 🐾🐾🐾 / 🔄
e / qrre / 🦌 / Evire-fvqr cynag
q / qhny / Univat qbhoyr angher / Cenvfr
f / ntrf / Pngna vf ____ 10+ / Tnzr znpuvar
e / engf / 🐀🐀🐀 / ⭐
n / yvnz / ____ Arrfba / 📨
v / rivy / 👿 / Abg cer-erpbeqrq
y / ybbc / 🪢 cneg / Zretr


It is once again March and the lovely EnigMarch people have challenged puzzle designers to write a puzzle inspired by today's word: "heart".

Oh no! The USA clown President Trump and his buffoonish adviser Elon Musk have canceled hundreds of contracts while accomplishing nothing! Alas, they have disrupted government operations, breaking many things.

Below are clues for many broken things, specifically broken seven-letter words. Each word was broken in half. We gathered up the left-halves and the right-halves. Whoopsie, we lost the middles, the "hearts," as it were. Using the clues, can you figure out the broken words? You can see how we figured out "Madison" from mad and son.

Some might think Trump and Musk are heartless, but when you've figured out the words' missing hearts, you'll find another adjective.

Father of the Constitution: M a d / Ⓘ / s o n
Source of hot air: _ _ _ / ◯ / _ _ _
Place for a cabinet: _ _ _ / ◯ / _ _ _
Out of control: _ _ _ / ◯ / _ _ _
Captain or one who flees town: _ _ _ / ◯ / _ _ _
Group of vehicles(!): _ _ _ / ◯ / _ _ _
$, slangily: _ _ _ / ◯ / _ _ _
Swamp, e.g., Washington DC: _ _ _ / ◯ / _ _ _
Tried to make a deal: _ _ _ / ◯ / _ _ _

Left-hand words: cab, car, fur, kit, mad, off, run, ski, wet

Right-hand words: ace, age, and, hen, per, red, son, van, way


Some hints, rot-13'd

Puzzle solution, also rot-13'd:

znqvfba / Sngure bs gur Pbafgvghgvba
sheanpr / Fbhepr bs ubg nve
xvgpura / Cynpr sbe n pnovarg
ehanjnl / Bhg bs pbageby
fxvccre / Pncgnva be bar jub syrrf gbja
pnenina / Tebhc bs iruvpyrf(!)
pnoontr / $, fynatvyl
jrgynaq / Fjnzc, r.t., Jnfuvatgba QP
bssrerq / Gevrq gb znxr n qrny


It is March and the lovely EnigMarch people have challenged puzzle designers to write a puzzle inspired by today's word: "psychic".

Oh no! The USA clown President Trump and his buffoonish adviser Elon Musk don't understand gender and it's led to a bizarre pronoun-phobia! Pronouns are handy referential-ish words; it's hard to communicate clearly without them. The first word of the US Consititution is a pronoun. (Then again, those guys do their best to ignore the Constitution…)

They removed the pronouns from several words and names below. Fortunately, we kept track of the pronouns, so now we can add them back in. We figured out that MAPSYCHCGRL was really Mai the Psychic Girl. Can you fill in the others to restore clear communication? When you're done, the circled letters should spell out a referential-ish word, itself made up of four pronouns.

1980s manga MAPSYCHCGRL he, i, i, it Mi   t h e   p s y c h i c   g i r l
Uncanny, Death, or Ohio V all, ey _ _◯_ _ _  
Sounds like "Lost Wages" LG as, as, ve ◯_ _   _ _ _ _ _  
Audio art MC i, us _◯_ _ _  
÷ DON i, i, vis _ _ _ _◯_ _ _  
Legacy AGE her, it _ _ _◯_ _ _ _  
Body of water R i, ver _ _◯_ _  
A republic, if you can keep it ARCA i, me _ _◯_ _ _ _  

cover art from Mai the Psychic Girl collection. In the foreground, cartoon girl looks towards us. In the background, a fistfight

Some hints, rot-13'd:

All the puzzle data, rot-13'd:

zncflpuptey  /  zNv gur cflpuvp tvey     / vg, ur, v, v / 1980f znatn
i / inYyrl / nyy, rl / Hapnaal, Qrngu, be Buvb
yt  /   Ynf irtnf  / nf, nf, ir / Fbhaqf yvxr "Ybfg Jntrf"
zp / zHfvp / hf, v / Nhqvb neg
qba   / qvivFvba    / ivf, v, v / ÷
ntr  /  ureVgntr         / ure, vg / Yrtnpl
e / evIre    / ire, v / Obql bs jngre
nepn / nzRevpn / zr, v / N erchoyvp, vs lbh pna xrrc vg


It is March and the lovely EnigMarch people have challenged puzzle designers to write a puzzle inspired by today's word: "staff".

Oh no! The USA clown President Trump and his buffoonish adviser Elon Musk are halting a huge-yet-arbitrary chunk of research at the NSF, NIH, and possibly other science agencies I overlooked!

Alas, our puzzly chemists' supplies were disrupted. They tried to make some words, but each word is missing two chemical symbols. For example, they tried to make "staffers", but were missing flourine (F) and iron (Fe), so they got staFFers = stars. Can you reconstruct the other words they were trying to make? Each is missing two symbols. Despite what you might think from that "staffers" example, the symbols might not be right next to each other.

When you're done, the circled letters should spell out the general character of the disruption.

Organization people stars s t a F e r s
Assocation many _◯_ _ _ _ _  
Without reason ram _ _ _ _◯_  
Not precipitate soon _ _◯_ _ _ _ _  
Resistance option _ _ _ _ _◯_ _ _ _  
America's pastime bell _ _◯_ _ _ _ _  
Device mine _ _ _◯_ _ _  

Missing chemistry symbols: Ac, As, Ba, Co, F, Fe, H, Lu, Nd, O, P, Po, Si, Ti

Some hints, rot-13'd:

All the puzzle data, rot013'd:

fgnef / fgnSsref / Sr S / Betnavmngvba crbcyr
znal / pBzcnal / Pb C / Nffbpngvba
enz / enaqBz / Aq B / Jvgubhg ernfba
fbba / fbYhgvba / Yh Gv / Abg cerpvcvgngr
bcgvba / bccbfVgvba / Cb Fv / Erfvfgnapr
oryy / onFronyy / Nf On / Nzrevpn'f cnfggvzr
zvar / znpUvar / Np U / Qrivpr


It is once again March and the lovely EnigMarch people have challenged puzzle designers to write a puzzle inspired by today's word: "flow".

Oh no! The USA clown President Trump and his buffoonish adviser Elon Musk fired hundreds of people at the NOAA, the USA's weather prediction agency! We can expect billions of dollars in damage to transportation and other sectors that rely on weather. We can see the effects already below. E.g. That "heat flow" has a problem: it contains letters from "waft" but should have letters from "wind". So we cross out the letters W, A, F, T from heat flow to get H E L O. Then we add the letters W I N D to the right places HELO to get Whieldon, as in the influential pottery-maker Thomas Whieldon. (Gee, that's kind of obscure, like a puzzle designer was pretty desperate to shoehorn "flow" into this puzzle somehow. Let's hope the rest of the answers are easier!) No doubt that "Thomas _____" is the clue that points to Wieldon, so write it into the top set of blanks. Now do that for the rest of the entries.

When you're done, the circled letters should spell out the root of the problem (and dare we hope its solution?).

at the age   Thomas ___: W h il d o n
directional   Knowledge: ◯_ _ _ _ _ _ _  
East Timor   Disaster: _ _ _ _◯_ _  
footprints   Teachers: _ _ _◯_ _ _ _ _  
forget   Innovative: _ _ _ _◯_ _ _  
heat flow WIND↗ Jeremiad: _ _ _ _ _ _◯_ _  
mornings   Hand-eye _____: _ _◯_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  
narrative   Anarchy: _◯_ _ _ _  

Weather phenomena: calm, clear, corona, dry, fog, frost, gale, heat, ice, mist, rain, scud, smog, sun, waft, wind

Some rot-13'd Hints:

All the puzzle data, all rot-13'd:

urng sybj / jnsg / jvaq / juvRyqba / Gubznf ___
zbeavatf / fzbt / tnyr / Yrneavat / Xabjyrqtr
ng gur ntr / urng / qel / gentRql / Qvfnfgre
rnfg Gvzbe / zvfg / fphq / rqhPngbef / Grnpuref
aneengvir / enva / vpr / pernGvir / Vaabingvir
sbbgcevagf / sebfg / pnyz / pbzcynVag / Wrerzvnq
qverpgvbany / pyrne / pbeban / pbBeqvangvba / Unaq-rlr _____
sbetrg / sbt / fha / hAerfg / Nanepul


Every day, I play the puzzle game Collections. It starts out kinda like the game show Wheel of Fortune: You're looking at three sets of blanks. You ask about some letters. The game shows you where those letters are in the blanks. When you have some idea what words you're looking at, you figure out what collection (category) they all belong to. Guess the collection correctly to win.

To ask about a letter, you spend points. You want to spend as few points as possible to win. From that description, you might think "Obviously the best strategy is to ask about E first, it's the most common letter." But wait: The game designer thought about that. You spend 10 points for E, but only 1 point for Q. If you start by asking for E, your best score will only ever be 90. If you start by asking for rare, "cheap" letters, maybe you can do better. Which letters should you pick? I guesse hypothesized I should start with the cheap letters, but wasn't too sure. So I wrote a computer program. I tell the program what I've guessed so far, which letters are in which blanks. The program knows the phraser word list and knows how much letters cost in this game. Based on that, it recommends which letter to pick next.

Here are the letters it recommended for several recent Collections games. Here, the line zJxqkyFvwhGBdlNcS means in one puzzle, start with Z, then J, then X…. One line per puzzle. The program pretty consistently suggests starting with the cheapest letters: Z, J, X, and Q. Then prrrrobably the next cheapest: K, Y, V, F, and W. Yay, I will stick with my hypothesis with more confidence now.


While I'm content with this result, some more rigorous thinkers will note problems:

№1 The program chooses a letter trying to narrow down the number of word possibilities overall. In general, that's a fine strategy. But suppose you're looking at _____, __YX, _____. That middle word is onyx, Styx, or oryx; if you knew which, you could probably figure out the collection right away, even if you don't know anything about the other words. But the program doesn't think narrowing three choices down to one as being very useful; instead, it will mostly try to narrow down the thousands of possibilities for those _____ all-blank words.

№2 The phraser word list is just what I had handy. It was created as a general word list, not necessarily words that you'd expect to see in Collections puzzles. For example, the phraser word list thinks that "eagle" and "helped" are roughly equally awesome. But I bet "eagle" shows up in lots more Collections puzzles. Maybe the category is Birds. Maybe it's golf scores. Maybe it's things on the Mexican flag. When I try to think of categories I'd clue with "helped," I think of… Uh. Hmm. I think of… Yyyyeah. Ideally, my word list would have "eagle" but not "helped".

Not the most important thing going on these days, but a topic on which I can provide expertise, so here ya go.


updated phraser again

While investigating the question "Why doesn't phraser know about [[Redacted MIT Mystery Hunt puzzle solution Redacted]]?" I found a bug: When reading Wikipedia, if there was an absurdly long paragraph, phraser thought it had reached the end of Wikipedia. Back in 2016 when I was writing phraser and looking carefully for problems, Wikipedia didn't have any absurdly long paragraphs, so everything seemed to be working fine. In the intervening years, alas, that changed. I was no longer looking carefully for problems and, alas, didn't notice.

I fixed that bug, yay. (Less notice-ably, I fixed another bug, and thus did something to help phraser find [[Redacted MIT Mystery Hunt puzzle solution Redacted]]. When considering Wikipedia cross-references to, say, Critique of Pure Reason, I was counting "critique of", "of pure", and "pure reason" more than I meant to.)

Anyhow, you might want to download the latest phrase and word lists from the appropriate page. If you run phraser yourself, this would be a good time to refresh and pick up the latest code.


I have updated the Phraser word and phrase lists. Those of you who find these lists handy for solving/designing word puzzles, rejoice!

This update incorporates an epiphany! (It also has updated content from Wikipedia, etc, but you already expected that.) tl;dr I fixed many many mistakes, and I like the quality improvement. If you want the details, read on…

You may recall a quandary: Crossword constructors have hand-crafted lists of cool phrases, idioms, and such. I can download a few of these lists, and Phraser can see that SHORTANDSTOUT is a nifty phrase. Crossword constructors don't care about spaces in phrases; but I'd like to know where the spaces go.

So Phraser first tries to figure out a list of phrases that have appeared in text. It reads lots of text-sources: Wikipedia, text files from project Gutenberg, etc etc. But it doesn't realize that "short and stout" is a more-interesting phrase than "copyright 1995", which appears more often.

So it then goes through the crossword lists, notices that crossword constructors think SHORTANDSTOUT is cool, notices that "short and stout" is SHORTANDSTOUT with spaces, and boosts the score of "short and stout".

But what if Phraser never figured out that "short and stout" is a thing? Maybe it figured out the phrase "short and" and the word "stout" are things, but never sees that teapot song and thus never realizes that "short and stout" goes together. In that case, when it sees SHORTANDSTOUT in a crossword list, it just kinda shrugs, thinks "I don't what to do with that" and moves on. What a waste.

One time, I wrote a program that looked over my crossword lists for SHORTANDSTOUTs for which Phraser couldn't figure out where to put spaces. For each, it would look for a pair of phrases that could be combined. So if Phraser had spotted "short and" and the word "stout", this other program would spot that those phrases could be combined to make "short and stout". I kept the output from that program, and fed it to Phraser on subsequent runs. Thus, it would know "short and stout" was a thing the next time it ran; and when it saw SHORTANDSTOUT in a crossword list, it would know to boost the score of "short and stout". My phrase-combiner program didn't get it right every time. Like, if a crossword constructor like the very-obscure word BLUNGE, my phrase-combiner program would guess that must be "B LUNGE". But it was right most of the time, and the results were good enough such that I kept using it.

A few days ago, I was looking at one of the wrong phrases that my phrase-combiner program had come up with:
diuretic ally
That's not a thing. "Diuretically" is a word, sort of. You can look at it and figure out it's an adverb to describe something acting in the manner of a diuretic, I guess. It's reeeeeeeally rare, though. If you look up diuretical and diuretically on the Google ngram viewer, you can see that they show up not-quite-never in books. And diuretically appears so very rarely in texts that Phraser figured "aw, that's probably just a typo" and forgot about it. But crossword lists agree that "DIURETICALLY" is a kinda-important thing. So my phrase-combiner, trying its best, had come up with diuretic ally. And a couple of days ago, I was staring at that and wondering: OK, why do all these crossword lists think that "diuretically" is good thing to put into a crossword, given that nobody uses this word in real life? That's when I had the epiphany.

The epiphany: DIURETICALLY is a valid Scrabble word. I looked through my crossword-word-lists and saw a fair number of words-only-Scrabble-players use. As near as I can tell, crossword constructors are pretty forgiving about Scrabble words that nobody uses but are figure-out-able. (They're not so forgiving about obscure scientific terms; there's no obvious way for a solver to figure the name of a rare sheep disease by applying grammar-suffixes to a common word, I guess.)

So I hauled out a SOWPODS list (list of Scrabble words), looked through the list of best-guess-phrases from my phrase-combiner tool, and thus found many other of my mistakes like diuretic ally. And I purged them. I'm now much more confident in the surviving best-guess-phrases; so I increased their "boost" so that they're more likely to appear in the 5-million-phrases file.


If a puzzlehunt nerd happens to spam nutrimatic, does that mean they apply something almost, but not quite, entirely unlike ham to something almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea?

This semi-coherent thought ramble was inspired by the puzzlehunt team named 🎶Nutrimatic Spamilton, our name is Nutrimatic Spamilton. And there's a million puzzles still unsolved, but just you wait, just you wait🎶, as reported in the VeheMusical Wrapup


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You Spin Me Right It is #EnigMarch, and each day the excellent EnigMarch people post a prompt word; then puzzle nerds try to design puzzles around that word. (Today's word is thread. Kinda spooky coincidence when you ...


It is #EnigMarch, and each day the excellent EnigMarch people post a prompt word; then puzzle nerds try to design puzzles around that word. (Today's word is rock.) So I made one of those fancypants ...


It is #EnigMarch, and each day the excellent EnigMarch people post a prompt word; then puzzle nerds try to design puzzles around that word. (Today's word is watch.) What does a watched pot never do...


Like a Record, Baby It is #EnigMarch, and each day the excellent EnigMarch people post a prompt word; then puzzle nerds try to design puzzles around that word. (Today's word is round.) It's neat that if you move the la...


Oh hi, Mark Happy March! It is #EnigMarch, and each day the excellent EnigMarch people post a prompt word; then puzzle nerds try to design puzzles around that word. (Today's word is sign.) That's kind of neat,...


Case-by-Case Basis It is #EnigMarch, and each day the excellent EnigMarch people post a prompt word; then puzzle nerds try to design puzzles around that word. (Today's word is shift.) Did you ever wonder how keyboards...


March March March March March Happy March! It is #EnigMarch, and each day the excellent EnigMarch people post a prompt word; then puzzle nerds try to design puzzles around that word. (Today's word is musical.) Since it's March, ...


False Friends It is still #EnigMarch. Thus, each day the EnigMarch people post a prompt word; and puzzle nerds such as myself attempt to design a puzzle to that prompt. (Today's word is false.) A false friend i...


Welcome to the month of March! It is #EnigMarch anew. Thus, each day the EnigMarch people post a prompt and nerds try to design puzzles around that prompt. (Today's word is door.) _ ◯ _ _ Caramel...


I didn't go to school at MIT, but I've played in the MIT Mystery Hunt. So I've sent in some thank-you money, and thus landed on their alumni fundraising mailing list. They just sent me a postcard abo...


Martin Renfried is going to send out a cocktail-themed cryptic crossword every couple of months; if you subscribe to his Patreon, he'll send those crosswords to you. He wrote a couple of cryptics for...


The Hearst Newspapers News-sites, no doubt jealous of the NYT's puzzle section, have launched their own syndicated puzzle page, Puzzmo. Each day there's a cool mini-crossword from the AVCX folks and...


Everybody likes to complain about crosswordese, but this puzzle does something about it. (I heard about it via xwords by a ladee) ...


USA Chain Restaurants Word Ladder I made another word ladder: USA Chain Restaurants. This one was pretty tough for me, a San Franciscan who doesn't make it out to other parts of the country these days. I look at _A_BY'S and do...


Like many San Franciscans I've recently struggled played with Chris Arvin's excellent Name SF Streets game. Crossword fiend that I am, I thought Remembering street names by looking at a map is hard; ...


I walked past a storefront near 33rd Ave and Judah and saw some big Braille out of the corner of my eye. I snapped a hasty pic through the window, but didn't try to get a better one—inside the ...


I updated the lists of "popular" phrases and words over on the phraser page. These new lists have fresh data from Wikipedia and some other wikis. Perhaps making the biggest difference between this up...


The Richmond Review, my horrible neighborhood paper, has reached a new low. Yes they still, in the year 2023, publish a column by Quentin Kopp. Yes, they publish letters from residents who threaten c...


I have gone five million steps while playing the Pikmin Bloom phone game. Look on my walks, ye mighty, and despair! (Yeah, yeah, I know some other people have more steps than this. I bet there's...


It is #EnigMarch, and when dared to design another puzzle, I say there's no going back now. I'm thinking of some words. For each of these words, you can form a new word by reversing three of its let...


It is #EnigMarch, and I might design a puzzle if given a nudge. It's interesting that PULL and PUSH are antonyms and yet have the same number of letters. Not just about the same, give or take, bu...


It's #EnigMarch, and when dared to design a puzzle, I do what they say. When I was searching Bartlett's Familiar Quotations yesterday, I decided to write some new quotations. But that was difficul...


It's #EnigMarch, and when challenged to design a puzzle, I'm inclined to try. Punctation mark that annoy's when misused In electronics, phenomenon by which one circuit's signal interferes with ano...


It's #EnigMarch, and when dared to design a puzzle, I can handle the heat. If you fill in this fire-kissed crossword, the circled letters spell out a kind of fire. Across: 1. Not many 4. George...


It is #EnigMarch, and when they challenge us to design a puzzle, I ask "how high?" In the three sequences below, you will grow words. You'll start with a two-letter word, then add a letter to get t...


It's #EnigMarch and there's a daily puzzle design challenge. Today's challenge is KNOT. Alas I do not have some new knotty puzzle idea. FWIW, I wrote a knot puzzle some years back, tho. ...


It's #EnigMarch, and when challenged to design a puzzle, I make time even if I feel kinda buried. In this crossword, most clues are cryptic, but the clues that just say undead don't have any wordpl...


It's #EnigMarch, and I'm still attempting these puzzle design challenges, even ones that sound kinda random. I'm thinking of a six-sided die, but with a letter on each face instead of a number. He...


It is #EnigMarch, and thus there is a new puzzle design challenge today, as has been foretold. To crack today's code, figure out what the opposite of colorblindness is and use that, I guess. ...


It's #EnigMarch, and I'm still attempting these puzzle design challenges, even ones that sound kinda random. I'm thinking of a six-sided die, but with a letter on each face instead of a number. He...


It is #EnigMarch, and if it sounds like they have a puzzle-design challenge, I listen up. Some fiend has split each of these six-letter words into two three-letter words! The letters within each th...


It's #EnigMarch, and when dared to design a puzzle, I take the bait. "All fishermen are liars." If someone tells you that they caught FriedrIch NietzScHe but had to let him go, they probably just ca...


It's #EnigMarch, and I still respond to puzzle-design challenges, even if they seem really out there. The spaces between these words seem OK but are supposed to be letters: … with &nbs...


It's #EnigMarch, and I respond to a puzzle design challenge, even if it can be a pain. So here's a puzzle: Waayaahtanwa chief, as described by foreigner, maybe: _ _ _ _ _   _ _ ◯ King's...


It's still #EnigMarch and when I hold the internet up to my ear, I think it's telling me to write a puzzle, so here you go: shell wily even sway year Adele tests kayak wavy mean away care dense I...


It's #EnigMarch, and when dared to create a puzzle, I do. To find today's hidden message, you will need to cut out a stencil from the key-card. Which letters to cut out? The ones that form the c...


It is #EnigMarch and when dared to design a puzzle, I still make space in my schedule. Across: 1. Runway pavement 7. Get new loan from S&L, perhaps 11. Who might sell you a pedigree pup ...


Happy π Day! It's still #EnigMarch and so I took a moment to respond to a challenge by putting together a puzzle: Already-published book, revised:   _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ES...


It's still #EnigMarch and today's puzzle-design challenge lit a fire under my ass. Find matches for what to try if you can't find matches: 5 FLINT BUTANE   4 LIGHTER GLYCERIN ...


It is still #EnigMarch and when they dare us to write a puzzle, I do. When faced with a tower of books, you need a word ladder, obviously. When you've climbed that tall ladder, how will you ente...


It is #EnigMarch, and I am again exhorted to create a puzzle. "Be bold" is a fun phrase because "be" sounds like B, the first letter of BOLD. With that in mind: “B BOLD and mighty forces will come ...


It is #EnigMarch, and I have been once again baited into creating a puzzle. This puzzle uses interstate words: words formed by placing 2-letter USA state abbreviations in other words. E.g. in the fir...


It is still #EnigMarch, and I am still ruled by double-dares to create puzzles. Neo: Just had a little déjà vu. Trinity: What did you see? Neo: A black cat went past us, and then another that look...


It is still #EnigMarch, and I am still taking double-dares to create puzzles. When folks cuss on internet forums, they replace one or more letters with symbols. The QWERTY standard swear-rule the sy...


It is still #EnigMarch, and I am still succumbing to double-dares to create puzzles. In my previous puzzles, I've started out with instructions; this time I'll supply no directions, you should be ab...


It is still #EnigMarch, and I am still reacting to double-dares to create puzzles. Here's a cryptid I mean cryptic clue: Bull-head one takes Jupiter's six relating to cattle. (6) To get you in the ...


It is still #EnigMarch and I am once again responding to a dare to create a puzzle. The jeweler knows that an uncut gem doesn't look right; you need to chip away a bit to see the precious stone. On...


It is still #EnigMarch and I am once again responding to a double-dare to create a puzzle. Here's something I'd like to use as a cryptic crossword clue gimmick, but I think traditionalists would thro...


Once again, I respond to an #EnigMarch challenge by writing a puzzle. This one has a lot of flavortext, but fortunately I outsourced the work to L. Frank Baum: TikTok the Machine Man …Dor...


#EnigMarch is a daily puzzle creation challenge; each day during the month of March, it double-dares everyone to create a puzzle. I made a puzzle today: We place "egg" words in "nest" words and hope...


#EnigMarch is a daily puzzle creation challenge; each day during the month of March, it double-dares everyone to create a puzzle. I made a puzzle today: I don't know if I'll stick with this all ...


I'm just now realizing that the head of the San Francisco Sheriff's Department Oversight Board is Jayson Wechter, the guy who ran those Chinese New Year parade Treasure Hunts. Wow, hmm. Wow. OK. Tha...


The https certificate expired two days ago. Is this a puzzle? ...


🍝 Spaghetti 2023 is happening 🍝 "A #puzzle by its nature is something purposefully constructed, often with painstaking effort so as to ...


W- were they on sale? Suddenly ballards are all over Golden Gate Park. (Pictured: Ballard, ballard, ballard. Bollards, ballard. Ballard, barrier, ballard. Ballard, barrier, ballard.) Oh...


I see the New York Times Guild is going on strike tomorrow and puzzle nerds are realizing they can't play Wordle (assuming they don't want to cross the picket line to play with puzzles). I'll post li...


rephrased Phraser word+phrase lists I updated the scored word and phrase lists over at the phraser page, using data from a recent copies of Wikipedia and other wikis. Soon after I updated them, I saw that my over-enthusiastic tool tha...


In theory, the "Mumbled Artist's Instructions" puzzles were a challenge to figure out some absurd thing an AI had tried to draw. Reverse-engineering an AI is a fun challenge. But it turns out AI is ...


If Monday's Mumbled Artist's Instructions puzzle was too hard, good news: there is now a "reveal answer" button. ...


Mumbled Artist's Instructions Puzzle 2022-11-21 This is a puzzle. I gave an artist some instructions, a two-word English comic book title. Alas, I mumbled those instructions and the artist did their best to depict what they heard and came up with ...


If Monday's Mumbled Artist's Instructions Puzzle was too difficult, I have good news: There is now a "reveal answer" button. ...


Mumbled Artist's Instructions 2022-11-14 This is a puzzle. I gave an artist some instructions, a two-word English phrase. Alas, I mumbled those instructions and the artist did their best to depict what they heard and came up with this: ...


I just went through the emotional rollercoaster of watching someone solve a puzzle live on video. It was a puzzle I helped write, so I was pretty much either yelling "no no no" or breathing "whew!" t...


If Monday's Mumbled Artist's Instructions puzzle stumped you, you'll be glad to know there's now a "reveal answer" button. ...


Mumbled Artist's Instructions 2022-10-31 This is a puzzle. I gave an artist some instructions, a three-word English phrase. Alas, I mumbled those instructions and the artist did their best to depict what they heard. The artist gave me four ...


Laberinto Verde: floreciendo Folks continue to decorate the car-free portion of JFK Drive Promenade. There's a new road mural, Laberinto Verde: floreciendo by Josué Rojas, assisted by Anthony Jiminez. I suppose to really ca...


If you were stumped by Monday's "Mumbled Artist's Instructions" puzzle, you'll be glad to know it now has a "reveal answer" button. ...


Last year, I spotted some Hallowe'en riddle decorations at a neighbor's house. Alas, I didn't spot them until after Hallowe'en, too late to be useful. So this year, I'll post a link back to my last-y...


Mumbled Artist's Instructions Puzzle 2022-10-24 This is a puzzle. I gave an artist some instructions, two words. Alas, I mumbled those instructions and the artist did their best to depict what they heard. Can you guess the original phrase? If...


If you stared at Monday's Mumbled Artist's Instructions puzzle and still couldn't figure out the answer, you'll be glad to know it now has a Reveal Answer button. I'm just impressed because my paren...


Mumbled Artist's Instructions Puzzle 2022-10-10 This is a puzzle. I gave an artist some instructions, a two-word name. Alas, I mumbled those instructions and the artist did their best to depict what they heard. Can you guess the original phra...


If you were still stumped by that Mumbled Artist's Instructions puzzle despite the hint, there is now a Reveal Answer button on the page. ...


If you were stumped by that "Mumbled Artist's Instructions" puzzle, it wasn't just you. The puzzle page now has a hint button. Press that button for a hint. ...


Mumbled Artist's Instructions Puzzle This is a puzzle. I gave an artist some instructions, a three-word English phrase. Alas, I mumbled those instructions and the artist did their best to depict what they heard. The artist gave me four ...


phraser improvements Phraser, the tool for generating word+phrase lists useful for solving+designing puzzles, is now smarter when reading crossword constructor dictionaries. Thus, hundreds of thousands of words+phrases g...


I've had a good time playing the word puzzle game Cell Tower at ...


Maybe a secret message; maybe a wild goose chase, I dunno: I saw this sign hanging behind a door on Douglass Street near 18th: If you dig up your trusty puzzlehunter's decoder sheet and start r...


I'm feeling lucky. Just days after I figured out how to extract a list of titles of well-known movies and TV shows from IMDB data, today's Toddle puzzle category is movie titles. Toddle challenges y...


crunching IMDB data IMDB, the Internet Movie DataBase, has a lot of information about movies, TV shows, actors, directors, gaffers, animators, etc. I just crunched some exported IMDB data to build a crossword dictionary...


I updated the big ol' list of words and the big ol' list of phrases on the Phraser page. A couple of months back, I noticed that The Collaborative Word List Project was now free. I've used the C.W....


Thr33dle I made Thr33dle, a version of 3-Polydle with an auto-suggest function. That's a strange statement with a lot to unpack. In the past few months, I've played a lot of Polydle, a Wordle variant tha...


The Collaborative Word List Project is a darned useful resource for word puzzle constructors and now it's free.* This is a list of phrases and hand-tuned scores. Here are a few lines from the file: ...


Genius ...


Daily 5-dle #0007 11 : 5&8&6&11&10 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟩⬜🟨⬜ ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 ⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ ⬜⬜⬜🟨🟨 ⬜⬜⬜🟨🟨 ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨⬜🟨🟩 ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟨⬜⬜🟨⬜ ⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜...


Wrung‽ When I noticed that Wordle's list of potential answers had ARISE but not BOXED, I figured that it only used "root" words: single number, present tense, etc. But WRUNG was an answer. And now I peek at...


Link: "Puzzle World" Discord I joined the Puzzle World Discord, a set of chat rooms for puzzlehunt and gnarly-puzzle enthusiasts. If you're not into Mystery Hunt and peek at this Discord today, you might think "oh gee whiz maybe...


Okay, now RAISE is my new Wordle starter word. As before, I am not the first to figure this out. Last night, I was measuring a starting word's quality based on how many green and yellow squares it yi...


Update: This blog post, which superceded another blog post, has since then itself been superceded. Try to keep up. Also, my "only root words" explanation wasn't quite right. Apparently, non-root wo...


UPDATE: This post has been superceded. I've been playing Wordle, the online game that's like a cross between Mastermind and guess-the-word. It occurred to me that the ideal "starting word" would hav...


Rest in Peace, Stephen Sondheim Along with his Broadway accomplishments, Sondheim was important to puzzles and puzzle hunt culture. He collected puzzles. He ran puzzle hunts. He wrote "The Last of Sheila," a movie that features a s...


On Hallowe'en evening, kids in St. Louis don't just say "Trick or treat," they ask jokey riddles. Unfortunately, these little kids make up their own jokes, and the results are abusrdly unfunny. Each ...


Book Report: Planning Your Escape It's a book about escape rooms and it's pretty interesting. I came at the book as someone who knows plenty about puzzle hunts and some things about puzzles and has picked up a fair amount of immersiv...


I got wind of a new-ish public word list for crossword constructors, the spread the word(list). So I grabbed a copy and tossed it into the big pile of data that feeds the "Phraser" phrase and word li...


Palace Games: The Attraction Today I helped play the The Attraction escape room experience at Palace Games. It was awesome and fun. As usual with escape rooms, there's not much you can say specifically about them, lest spoilers....


I had a fun time solving Patrick Berry's puzzle extravaganza "Containment Policy." It took a while to get through. The puzzles were pretty straightforward to solve, but then I spent a while staring a...


Consider this a "soft re-opening" announcement for Octothorpean. Also, I'm asking for bright ideas on a UI/usability thing. Update: a couple of smarties suggested using "Import/Export" instead of "...


I'm working on getting the # Octothorpean # puzzlehunt back online. You know how the first 80% of the project takes 20% of the time? I think that's about where I am on getting this thing ba...


wordnet, is-a ColinTheMathmo asked folks to think of animals that were also verbs, like "bug". I thought of some and then it occurred to me: wordnet ("wn") is a computer tool that knows the meaning of many many wo...


I enjoyed this crossword puzzle's gimmick: ...


I had some thoughts about automatically-generated mazes rattling around in the back of my head and figured out a way to apply an algorithm from that Mazes for Programmers book to a problem I'd notice...


The US Postal Service announced new stamps for 2021. One title especially caught my eye: "Mystery Message." Wow, a stamp with a hidden message. Sounds like something right up my alley. According...


Book Report: Mazes for Programmers This book is about randomly generating mazes by writing computer programs. Before reading this book, I'd tried randomly generating some mazes, but those mazes hadn't pleased me: too many little nubbl...


If you're in the SF Bay Area and your COVID pod contains enough puzzle nerds to take on an escape room, check out Trivium Games, a.k.a. the folks behind the Ghost Patrol puzzle hunts. They made a Gho...


I got an email from a game show that's casting. If you're a trivia nerd in California, they'd love to hear from you: I'm Joanna, one of the Casting Producers for the hit quiz game TV show, "The Cha...


When I read that Puzzled Pint now has a Code of Conduct, my first thought was "What about scissors?" … and they have a clause about scissors. They thought of everything.* Nice job, f...


The really unsettling thing about out-in-the-world puzzle hunts, eldritch horrors aside, is days later when you think you see puzzles everywhere. Just looking down at the sidewalk and you think you s...


Curtis and DeeAnn of Team Snout were in town. We played the Edison Room over at the excellent Palace Games Escape Rooms. And and and Curtis had Puzzled Pint stickers with him, so now my laptop is ext...


I was unintentionally cruel a while back. I posted a photo saying "ha ha ha, this wall decoration could almost be Braille, I see codez everywhere ha ha ha". And then some nice folks pointed out that ...


Were you excited to hear that I'd written a set of Puzzled Pint puzzles, but on the evening in question you felt really lazy and you just stayed home? Yeah, me too. All is not lost: the excellent PP ...


The building across the street from the Temporary Transbay bus Terminal continues to be constructed. Recently, the building-side facing the bus terminal got decorated. Basically, it's a dark wall wit...


Puzzled Pint is coming up on Tuesday. I wrote this month's set, aided (a lot) once again by excellent Puzzled Pint editor Neal Tibrewala and excellent anonymous-to-me playtesters who I love even thou...


Aftermath I stopped resisting, just downloaded ♫ Semper Paratus ♫ and added it to my folder of walking music. #mysteryhunt ...


New plan for the coming year: #mysteryhunt Thank you, #SETEC! We had a blast. And now, bed. ...


This crossword puzzle auto-fill program coincidentally got ¾ of the way to a mini-theme by randomly picking phrases out of a hat… M S I O INSIDEUSA T R U N N O ERIKSATIE N E G ...


Book Report: Puzzlecraft (Humble Bundle edition) I flipped through this book recently. Maybe "flipped through" isn't the right phrase. I was viewing the .pdf on a tablet. I'd already read an older edition of the book, now I wanted to flip through i...


Comic Report: Form of a Question It's an autobiographical graphic novel structured around the author's run on Jeopardy!. In the world of trivia, there are clear answers, but not so much in the real world. I'm guessing not so many fo...


Book Report: The Unseen World It's a novel about a young lady who grows up amongst researchers at something kinda like MIT's AI Lab, but different. There's learning and forgetting and machine learning and I suppose machine forget...


Book Report: The Woman Who Smashed Codes Before I read this book, I vaguely knew that Elizebeth Friedman was a skilled codebreaker but figured I would never know the deets since her work was classified. But this biography pulls some impres...


Puzzle Extravaganzas are Everywhere, even Waterholes Worldwide I wrote a set of puzzles for Puzzled Pint. And I'd like to write some notes about what it's like for a puzzle-designer to go through the Puzzled Pint process. But I'm just now getting around to it be...


If you like puzzles and/or beer & are free this Tuesday evening, maybe you want to do Puzzled Pint. In a bold departure from making puzzles about the # typographic symbol, I drafted some puzzles ...


Book Report: Can You Solve My Problems? It's a book about puzzles and brainteasers. There are puzzles, there are brain-teasers, there are essay-ish bits exploring some ideas in detail. There were some puzzles that I hadn't encountered befo...


Looking forward to a few days of knowing what needs to be done with no idea how to do it. ...


Book Report: York / The Shadow Cipher It's YA fiction in which the city of New York has a puzzlehunt embedded in it that residents have tried to solve for decades. You might think that's an overly fanciful premise—cities change con...


Remember that list of phrases and/or that list of words in a text file handy for designing/solving word puzzles? I updated those lists again with some fresh content. While I'm here: Happy Thanksgivi...


Long before the Two-Tone Game puzzlehunt …there was a two-tone ska single decorated with a crossword puzzle, as seen on the Puzzlenation blog. ...


Curtis Chen has a new novel out and a new game-ish thingy to provide some backstory. Go visit to learn more about the novel Kangaroo Too. And then visit for the gam...


Remember phraser, that tool for generating puzzle-design-friendly word lists? I just updated it. I found OMDB, a big database of movie info with a public API. (Did I find it? Or did one of you tell m...


You should do Puzzled Pint this month I playtested this month's Puzzled Pint puzzles. They're fun! You should scoop up some friends and go solve them Tuesday. ...


Book Report: The Lost Frenchman It's a thriller in which puzzly geocachers are unusually qualified to seek a treasure. It is fun in much the same way the National Treasure movies are fun, but with better puzzles. If that sounds lik...


Book Report: Thunderstruck It's two intertwined biographies. One is a biography of Marconi, inventor of the wireless telegraph. One is a true-crime biography of a fugitive who was caught due to the wireless telegraph. The Mar...


Iron Puzzler 2016 announced Iron Puzzler is once again coming to the SF Bay Area. This is that weekend-long combo puzzle-design and puzzle-solving contest in which teams spend Saturday creating puzzles using "secret ingredients...


phraser, a word list generator When you construct word puzzles, it's good to have a nice list of words to work with. Over the last several weeks, I've been tinkering on and off to build phraser, a tool that chugs through wiki data...


Today I handed out puzzle pieces for Shinteki. If you're a SF-area puzzle nerd, you probably perked up when you read that and though Aw FOMO, I better not have missed a Shinteki event. Settle down: t...


That was an amazingly fun playtest! I am just back from Palace Games, the folks who do the Houdini Escape Room in San Francisco. They're putting the finishing touches on a new room. After we playtest...


Worlds Colliding, well, Lightly Brushing anyhow QuizUp, a trivia quiz app, is built using Pants, that build tool I wrote documentation about. ...


No Exit "No Exit: Play by Sartre where he's forced to play a really boring Room Escape game."          –Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl Hell is other peop...


Yesterday, I passed the site of SCRAP's upcoming escape room game, Escape the Jail. It was a little bittersweet to consider that "Escape the Jail" theme. On the sweet hand: Run More Games, yay. On...


Puzzled Pint is now in San Francisco's East Bay. Because spending more time in traffic than in puzzling is for chumps. ...


When puzzle nerds get crafty… Not only are you doing a mystery quilt, but you're also solving a murder mystery! With each month you get both a chapter of the story and a new quilt block to ma...


Today's mail brought a batch of Kickstarter goodies from Oubliette Escape: a booklet of short stories and some pretty postcards. I remember that some of these are puzzles and some aren't. I don't re...


I drew five letters in chalk, one letter in each of five sidewalk squares. I drew slowly, deliberately, neatly. Maybe ten seconds per letter? So figure it was about a minute before the security guard...


Team Archimedds Boogs did not win the bar trivia. But we didn't come in last place, either. This was especially impressive since (a) we missed the first round and (b) there was a whole round of golf ...


Book Report: 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5 + RND(1)); : GOTO 10 It's a book about a little "one-liner" Commodore 64 BASIC program. What happens when a bunch of academics want to talk about the good ol' days of 1980s home computer programming? A book like this, th...


Team up for SF Puzzled Pint? Puzzled Pint is tomorrow evening.* I wanna play. Would you like to team up to play in San Francisco? If so, I'd love to hear from you. (I went a couple of months ago. That time, I trusted to my luck...


Game: Broken Age The Broken Age game is pretty; it's like playing a painting; and it has funny jokes! There are also some not-so-funny jokes; one challenge in the game is a puzzle in which you have to set up a funny ...


"Indexing" When I reported on the book How to Puzzle Cache, I mentioned The book uses "indexing" to mean something other than what my local puzzling tradition calls "indexing". …you might have wonder...


Book Report: How to Puzzle Cache How to Puzzle Cache teaches you how to decode/decipher/unpuzzle many, many ways of hiding secret messages. I'm a puzzlehunter, so I was reading it and thinking it's useful for puzzlehunting. It's int...


Puzzled Pint @ Zeitgeist Puzzled Pint has been around for years, but until tonight I hadn't been. It was always far away. It was a monthly puzzling get-together. Folks would gather at a bar to solve puzzles. A few days ahead...


It's like the opposite of the sunk cost fallacy. I've put hours into roughly prototyping this puzzle. Now I'm hoping that playtesters think it's totally boring so I don't feel obliged to put in the t...


Who's running Puzzled Pint in San Francisco? (Yeah, I guess I could have found out by going. But that would have required remembering to look up from the computer. Ha! As if.) ...


MIT Mystery Hunt puzzle idea: Code of Conduck Conunudrum. I don't know what to do with it, though. ...


Link: Braille Notation for Complex Cello Music "Feldman’s piece in particular, which uses geometric figures over the course of a graphically represented x-axis of time, cannot be transcribed at all into standard braille music encoding." ...


There's a National Puzzle Day (but I'm not sure which nation it's for). There's an International Puzzle Day. I think I planned something for one of those Puzzle Days. At some point in the past, I se...


Link: How to Puzzle Cache A little bird told me about a new book: How to Puzzle Cache. It's about puzzle-geocaches. The author's Cully Long; he's one of the folks who put together the Dastardly Manhattan Puzzle Caches, some ...


Link: puzzle blog Remember the math professor in St Louis who inspired both teams who played in the year I site-monitored DASH there? He made an escape-the-room game and started a blog to write about it… and, I...


Book Report: Cool Gray City of Love It's a book about San Francisco. Something of a cross between a history and a gazetteer; it's a collection of 49 essays, each using a San Francisco neighborhood as a leaping-off point for talking abo...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, even It's not just about escape-the-room games: This site has launched a major new section that has always been intended to be one of its primary focuses. This site talks about puzzle hunts frequently, ...


Tonight's Adventure Design Group presentation was about The Go Game. They got their start around here. Thus, it wasn't 100% surprising when founder Finn mentioned early on talking with Alexandra Dix...


Book Report: The Maze of Games The Maze of Games is a puzzle extravaganza: about 52 puzzles leading up to four meta-puzzles leading up to another meta, along with some bonus puzzles. The variety was fun; and on those few occasions...


Link: A Conversation with Puzzle Master Wei-Hwa Huang This person enjoys puzzles. ...


Book Report: The Puzzle Instinct This book talks about how humans think their way through puzzles. It mostly does this by walking you through several classic puzzles. If you're already somewhat jaded of the classic puzzles, then lon...


The Snoutcast interview with Yuan is a pretty good behind-the-scenes view of Puzzled Pint. ...


Book Report: Undiluted Hocus-Pocus It's Martin Gardner's autobiography. It's about his life. It's not about logic puzzles, tricks with matchsticks, or computer simulations. Those are things he wrote about. His autobiography is about t...


Nautical Flags, Richmond Posting this just in case it shows up later as a Shinteki puzzle site, you know? ...


Book Report: Random House Puzzle Maker's Handbook It's a book about how to make crossword puzzles (and other word puzzles) from 1995, a revision of a book first written in 1981. It's about how to make (and edit and market…) crossword puzzles ...


Link THIS every-state-in-continental-USA driving route is even MORE optimal (if you're optimizing for Scrabble). ...


Dave Schweisguth knew about a couple more Escape-the-Room games, including one whose grand opening is Friday! ...


Started a list of Escape-the-Room games on the Bay Area Night Game wiki. I know the list isn't complete—Tyler Hinman mentioned someplace I hadn't heard of… but of course I already forgot...


Adventure Design Group: Presentation and conversation with JP LeBreton and Brandon Dillon (Double Fine) I'm up past my bedtime, so just some scribbled notes. They're both game nerds from the computer/video game company Double Fine. They've both come up with project ideas interesting enough such that I ...


Book Report: Puzzle Craft "The subtitle's a lie, of course. We can't fit descriptions of how to make every type of puzzle into one book." And yet this book does show examples of many many kinds of puzzles. Along with each exa...


Is this like Puzzled Pint for RebusRally folks? If I knew Swedish, maybe I'd know whether RallyPub is like Puzzled Pint for RebusRally fans… or not. I don't know Swedish, so all I can do is toss around tautologies. ...


Link: "It's My Party," a memoir about some Jim Propp puzzle parties, written by David "Pablo" Cohn who it turns out isn't in Antarctica all the time. ...


Book Report: The Magus ARGers and Situationists talk about this novel: its plot is something like that of the movie The Game, a sort of paranoid story in which several people playact around our protagonist, hoping to effec...


Jotting Notes from Kazuya Iwata (Real Escape Game North America) at Adventure Design Group This spoileriffic talk was not recorded. So I'd better jot down some notes. Steering around the spoilers, but that's OK, because the non-spoilery stuff was interesting. Pizza ahead of time was fun. ...


Book Report: Uncertainty In Games Greg Costikyan has designed more games than you have, so I pay attention when he writes something. Uncertainty in Games didn't contain any startling revelations that knocked me out of my chair, but i...


I'm Feeling Coincidental A blind man asked me for help boarding the bus, so I helped him board the bus. That almost never happens. A while later, looked down and remembered I was wearing a Braille-Google-logo shirt, somethi...


But if you meet a friendly horse / Will you communicate by Morse? ...


Book Report: The Code Busters Club It's young adult fiction in which young adults solve a Real Crime by solving some common codes. Set in the alternate universe like this one, but if you want to get a message to nice people without th...


Jotting notes on Odyssey Works' talk at the Adventure Design Group, 2013 A few months back, some folks from Odyssey Works gave a talk about their art. I heard about it from the Adventure Design Group meetup. Though I scribbled my thoughts afterwards, if you weren't there...


Book Report: Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore Like every novel-reading San Francisco bay area tech worker, I enjoyed Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore. Its computer and code bits are more science-fantasy than hard science fiction, but they support...


This isn't jotting notes on @writerguygames' presentation at the Adventure Design Group meetup hosted by the lovely folks at The Go Game. Rather, this is notes on the conversation afterwards. Because...


The Secret Puzzle Hunt Cabal is a treasure. You can tell 'em "I'm thinking of running a hunt on the 13th" and, between them, they know when the MS Intern Hunt is, the NPL convention, the MS Puzzle Sa...


Listened to Snoutcast discussion on puzzle-y activities to keep a team enthused during the months between hunts. Does it make sense to create a wiki listing puzzle extravaganzas? Is puzzle extravagan...


I attended a talk by some folks from Odyssey Works (the inaugural talk of the Adventure Design Group Meetup). O.W. presented about their art: situations, each with an audience of one. It works like ...


Things Will Shortz doesn't want to do …perhaps revealed via this New York Times job posting for a Director of Games, which I found out about thanks to the excellent Octothorpean playtest team WBYeats. Optimize games for discover...


Jotting Notes on Jana Pouchla's LARP talk: Welcome to Larp. Let's Play It's Nordic LARP Talks Oslo 2013, specifically Jana Pouchla's talking about how to make LARP more accessible and welcoming to newbs. It's not a GC Summit talk; LARPing is not The Game; but I'm jotti...


Jotting Notes on Lars Nerback's LARP talk: Three Ways to Make Games More Inclusive It's Nordic LARP Talks Oslo 2013, specifically Lars Nerback presenting three ways to make games more inclusive. (Thanks to Sara Thacher for pointing out that these talks are online) It's not a GC Sum...


I played The Cave and it was pretty good All those good things you read about The Cave are true; you should go play it. All those good things you read about The Cave are probably more interesting than anything I'd write; there are a lot of ...


Link: The International Code of Signals I watched the new Studio Ghibli film, "From up on Poppy Hill" and of course all I could think about was the marine signal flags. In the movie, our heroine, who lives in portside Yokohama, hoists sig...


Buying tracks to construct a music puzzle. Don't even want to think about what my Amazon recommendations will look like after this. ...


The Maze of Games is going to be a book with at least 30-something (I lost count) puzzles by folks you've heard of. These are the last 30-something hours of its kickstarter. So if you haven't ordered...


Have you gotten around to ordering @MazeofGames yet? It's gonna be a puzzly choose-your-own-adventure book. Like The Dextrus of Tempus, only moreso. (But I bet if you know what The Dextrus of Tempus ...


Link: Alice's Puzzle Page This was a fun puzzle trail. Trail? Extravaganza? Set of interlinked puzzles? You know. One of them things. Give it a whirl. New blog post: One of my favorite #puzzles! Alice's Puzzle Page vroospeak...


Better decorating through anagramming From a crafty blog post on making a sign of hanging letters: I would have spell Hanuka the "normal" way, Hanukkah, but I ran out of scrapbook paper since I kept having issues until I figured out...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, even Kickstarter The Puzzazz folks want to send you a puzzle a month, a sort of time-release extravaganza. Or something like that, check it out. Be sure to watch the video for a new entry in your "Wei-Hua Puts His To...


Book Report: Lightning Man It's a biography of Samuel F. B. Morse, the namesake of my favorite puzzlehunt code. So it's about time I read up on the man's life. He wanted to be an artist. He wanted to paint beautiful scenes, n...


When we figured out that Black Bart's Hidden Hoard would take us to a labyrinth in SOMA, I was certain what GC meant, but wasn't too pleased. Though it turns out I was certainly wrong. On 8th Street,...


Book Report: Many Subtle Channels in praise of potential literature In honor of USA's Buy Nothing Day, a report on a book that I checked out of the library: Many Subtle Channels It's a book about the OuLiPo. You've probably heard of them: they're a literary cabal in...


Book Report: How to Sharpen Pencils I'm a technical writer. I write instructions. I often team up with a "Subject Matter Expert," someone who's really good at doing something. I ask them what they do and they write it down. You might w...


Jotting Notes on Fundamentals of IRL Game Design It's a seminar by @jettstein. (You think I'm typoing "GC summit talk by Bob Schaffer" really badly, but no: instead of watching a GC Summit video today, I did something else.) I attended Fundamentals...


Saw a Hash House Harriers pack run past, my first time seeing a live pack instead of just leftover chalk marks on the ground. At first I was kind of disappointed. I thought "If I were the hare, I wo...


Speaking of "what's this kind of puzzle called?", what is "Put together the letter-triples ION ISS NSM TRA to form a word"? It's kind of an anagram, but easier since you've got three triples instead ...


Tauba Auerbach's 50/50 Floor is on display at SFMOMA. You may recall that Auerbach is an artist who can think like a code-y puzzler though she sidled away from signal and over to noise for a while. T...

Permalink is Heisenbergian puzzling: the observer gets an answer though it's not a puzzle. ...


This week's snoutcast had an interesting tidbit "future events: bikes? Seattle? stay tuned!" And also some thoughts on puzzle-based learning if you're an educator. They're interviewing a math teache...


Book Report: The Vanishing Violin It's another YA puzzle-mystery featuring the Red Blazer Girls. (You might vaguely remember that I read the first book in the series a while back. This time, the puzzlehunt story is a bit more believa...


Link: Anagramr anagramming game This is me with the high score at an anagramming game: Leaderboard: @lahosken:170 @stalefries:111 @nwerneck:67 @ixpu:56 @ckolderup:55— An Anagram Game (@anagramr) August 30, 2012 You might wo...


Book Report: The Mysterious Benedict Society It's a young adult adventure novel that starts out with a puzzly quiz. Kids who do well in the quiz team up to battle an evil conspiracy. This book is science fantasy, and the fantasy lost me. It's t...


Pencil Bandolier: Subtle Counterweight During puzzle hunts, I run around wearing a bandolier to hold my pencils jauntily across my chest. Pencils don't weigh much, but they weigh something. Thus, I put a counterweight on the back of my ba...


Book Report: Kobold Guide to Board Game Design Professional game designers write essays on topics in Board Game Design. Along the way, they get into project management, prototyping, usability, playtesting, and other good stuff. As a professional ...


Pencil Bandolier: the new configuration Before: After: I tested out the pencil bandolier at the Real Escape Game. You ask: How did it go? I say: That's why we test. Perhaps the bandolier's boldest feature were the colored carpenter penc...


Pencil Bandolier progress is as difficult as you make it Look, ma, no pins! You may recall a few months back I'd attached an over-heavy counterweight to the pencil bandolier with vague intent of letting some of the extra lead weight. Today, I got around to...


Book Report: Glued to Games It's a book about the psychology of games. Why do we enjoy them? It's all very well to say that "Games are fun." You could say "Paper clips are fun," but then folks would tell you that you need to be...


Book Report: Crossworld You'd think that I'd like to read a book about competitive crossword-puzzle solving featuring a first-hand report on playing in the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. Crossworld is such a book, fr...


More Tyro Crossword Construction ramblings Some days ago, I posted some noobish thoughts about crossoword construction. I'd figured out that Nutrimatic's default word lists were good for Nutrimatic's use case, but not so great for a list of c...


Crossword Compiler Noob Diary Unsurprisingly, creating mediocre crossword puzzles is easy but creating good crossword puzzles is hard. Mind you, I don't feel pressured to create great crossword puzzles. For puzzlehunts, I only ne...


Crossword Compiler is a Windows application. The last time I tried running it on Linux, a few years back, it didn't work. But today it works. Kinda. Far enough to fill in a grid with words, which is ...


Comics Report: Torso, Goldfish It was a good holiday season. My cousin-once-removed Paul was in town, and once again wanted a treasure-hunt game. And once again, he wanted to be on Game Control, not just playing. So he and his dad...


Dr Who's Martians as Puzzle Designers #badpuzzles Cramming for the Doctor When game, I watch Doctor Who. The Pyramids of Mars arc aims at being puzzle-huntish... kind of... Towards the end, there's a Martian stronghold guarding a treasure chamber; ...


Two steps forward, one slide back I bought a couple of clip-on lights. Also, I bought a new counterweight. To keep this whole mess from sliding forward (until all the pencils are under my elbow), I'...


Link: Chess Story Dave Hill writes about playing chess for money in Zucotti Park. Right, that Zucotti Park. ...


Now with carpenter-pencils clipped on. I found carpenter pencil clips for sale online, and they arrived. It turned out they weren't small enough to be "snug" on the pencils so I had to help them ou...


I'm on my way to a new level of handiness or dorkiness... or maybe both at the same time. ...


Book Report: Tactile Morse Code Sometimes, you can judge a book by its cover. I don't feel that I need to read the book Tactile Morse Code because its cover explains its system pretty well. Bonus irony points for being a book about...


Book Report: Deep State If you've been listening to the recent Snoutcast podcasts, you've heard interviews with some ARG (Alternate Reality Game) folks. If you listened to this week's podcast, you might have heard of a Walt...


Why I love Puzzalot Forum Post by Robotguy: I am working on a type of crossword that is played on the surface of regular polyhedra... [more explanation...] I would appreciate any feedback. And this yielded relevant, practic...


Book Report: Adventures in Puzzling The cover promises multi-puzzle extravaganzas, and it delivers. There's a fun variety of puzzles here. And they're organized into extravaganzas—into groups of puzzles, with each group leading u...


Book Report: Puzzle-Based Learning I recently reported on the first couple of Winston Breen books. And then Joe Fendel asked me if I'd read the Gollywhomper Games book. Apparently, puzzle-based young adult fiction is a thing? Back in ...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, even in NYC audibly Remember how I went to New York and kinda figured out that some of the puzzle nerds there were into some kind of puzzly-geocaching combination thingy that I never really figured out? This week's Snou...


Book Report: Knuth: Selected Papers on Fun and Games Don Knuth is, of course, one of our greatest scholars of Computer Science. If someone asks you, "What's an efficient way to to sort ______ for quick retrieval?" you are always safe bluffing the answe...


Swedish Rebusrally team name I would gladly steal: Baron Bosse Behöver Betänketid. I don't know what that means, but I'm sure I betänk like a bosse. On the other hand, not so much: The Sammanswet...


Why is Corey Anderson so fast at puzzling? Constant practice. While most engineers scribble their designs on whiteboards, Corey draws his backwards on a transparent sheet of glass. Dude is badass. ...

Permalink makes a difference A few people have been playing the 2-Tone Game this past weekend—referred by I checked the IP addresses of three of the players; they were from the East Bay, Spain, and ...


Book Report: Colossal Book of Wordplay It's a book by Martin Gardner (the Mathematical Games guy), edited by Ken Jennings (the Jeopardy! guy). So you might expect it to be pretty amazing. But it's a book of little word puzzles of the so...


PhotoCity Pervasive Capture-the-Flag Photo Game Part II PhotoCity is this game where you "capture" areas of a city by photographing them. But you can't play in just any neighborhood. The game only works if you start in a place that they've "seeded". I h...


Wonderella reminds us that following trails of puzzles is dumb. ...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, even the Art World There's this comic book artist, Jason Shiga. He makes these comic books that are puzzles; choose-your-own-adventure books that play with the flow of pages and frames within a comic book. You might ...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, even Meridian High School in Idaho Tonight I played in a puzzle event. The puzzles were pretty cool! They were designed by Mike Selinker, Thomas Snyder, Tyler Hinman... and maybe others? Eric Harshbarger designed the prizes; he's a ...


Shopping is Hard; Let's Coin Phrases It turns out that REI's selection of headlamps is not as good as Hallmark's, depending on your criteria. In related news, the Triclops Headlamp is still missing; all hail the Quadruped Headlamp. ...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhen: That Article that mentions Sondheim's 1968 Hallowe'en Hunt A while back, the Puzzalot blog had an interesting article on Sondheim's 1968 Hallowe'en puzzle hunt. There was a lot of information there, most of which didn't come from this article by Allan Brien...


So basically this poem says that codes lack the passion of poetry... well, the passion of good poetry. Maybe still better than, say "Pangolin Bowling" ...


Braid is a fun game—and ported to Linux. If that's good news to you, don't get too excited right away. It was part of a bundle that's not available right now. But you can sign up to get notifie...


Wikipedia article data is available again: Now you can tinker with nutrimatic. ...


Graph Pebbling and a Proof that there is an Infinite Number of Composite Numbers Yesterday, a plurality of the folks hanging out were math nerds. I'm not a math nerd, but I likes me some recreational math. Graph Pebbling has some fun little problems. The idea is that you have...


Jotting Notes on Scott Blomquist's 2010 GC Summit Talk: Confidence and Acceleration in Puzzle Theory I'm jotting notes about another Game Control Summit 2010 talk: Scott Blomquist talks about Puzzle Theory, conceptual thinking about puzzle design. (Yeah, he talked about puzzle theory in 2009, too.)...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere within and without the bounds of convention A few months back, Ian Tullis talked about puzzles, specifically puzzle-hunt puzzles, and how they've evolved. The quest for novelty drives puzzlehunt designers away from the "plain" puzzles that mos...


Book Report: Tilings and Patterns I know what you're thinking: Oh no, Larry tried to read another math book. No doubt this means the blog's"unfinished" tag will soon be attached to another book report. But I made it to the end of t...


Link: Jet Lamp video/talk about Text Adventure Games Yesterday after work I went out to see a movie, sort of. And I recommend you go see it, depending on where you are. The movie is "Get Lamp", and I haven't actually seen the whole thing yet. It's a...


Comic Report: City of Spies My parents did pretty well playing the 2-Tone Game. Like, I don't think that the Burninators team needs to worry any time soon. But my parents did pretty well. And as they were walking from the &l...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, Even Sveden A page with a couple of RebusRally photos makes me think that Rebus Rallies happen more than once a year, though I rarely hear about them. ...


Link: PhotoCity Pervasive Capture-the-Flag Photo Game Just watched a video of a recent talk by a University of Washington professor named Popovic. His schtick is crowd-sourcing difficult tasks by turning those tasks into games. (Have you heard of Rosett...


Book Report: When You were a Tadpole and I was a Fish What's that you say? The Gathering for Gardner was this last weekend? Then I'm a few days late to be topical with a book report on When You were a Tadpole and I was a Fish. But books are a slow me...


Comic Report: Meanwhile... The local members of the National Puzzler's League had a party last weekend, their Equinox party. I didn't go—I'm still not quite enough of a puzzle enthusiast to want to join the NPL. But I wa...


Book Report: Between Silk and Cyanide It's the autobiography of the codemaster of the SOE an English spy organization during WWII. Wait! Dont' run away! It's not just math and cryptography and war. There's good stuff in here, too. Th...


Link: Puzzle Forum @ Puzzalot If you're a puzzle-huntist, I'm sure you're already subscribed to the excellent Puzzalot blog, so I don't know why I even bother to link to link to his post announcing that he set up a puzzle forum. ...


Puzzle Things are Everywhere, with Local Witnesses A while back, I blogged about Stuart Landsborough's Puzzling World, a tourist spot in New Zealand with a big maze and other weirdness. Why do I bring this up? Local gamist Chiu-Ki Chan went there, a...


Book Report: The Snowball It's a biography of Warren Buffet. It's pretty long. But there are some good stories in here, the writing is good, and it smells well-researched. It edges around some touchy topics, but it's prett...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, even the world of corporate training... hey, don't fall asleep when I say that At work, I work in a training group. I was just listening to one of my fellow trainers talk about an outfit that makes some service for education/train-ish folks. It's called Moving Knowledge. It's...


Link: Stuart Landsborough's Puzzling World Puzzling World is a tourist destination in New Zealand. It started out as a big maze for people to wander around in. Then they added some strange attractions. Some of the ad copy worries me, thoug...


Book Report: Lewis Carroll in Numberland This book is about Lewis Carroll/Charles Dodgson as a mathematician. There were errors in the parts that I understood. So I didn't trust the other parts to help me to understand new stuff. Maybe I...


White Ninjas-Specific Show Report Hey, somebody tell Bay Area Night Game Team White Ninjas that I found the perfect band to play their theme song. It's Leather Feather! Most of the people in the band dress up as white ninjas! (Or ...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, Even the Marin Headlands and maybe the Seat in Front of me on the Bus There was that awesome Shinteki Decathlon game a couple of weeks ago. One of the clue sites was Hawk Hill, a high hill in the Marin Headlands. It seemed like a neat site, so... yesterday I went bac...


Book Report: Super Spy It is a comic book, a collection of little spy stories. I bought it because it was an Amazon recommendation (albeit a tepid Amazon recommendation) and it had Morse Code on the cover. I didn't like ...


Jotting notes on Scott Blomquists' GC Summit 2009 Lecture "An Analytic Framework for Estimating Puzzle Quality" [I re-watched another 2009 GC Summit lecture. In this one, Scott Blomquist of Team Sharkbait talks about measuring puzzle quality. It's kinda a measure of puzzle simplicity--avoiding putting stuff ...


Zine Report: Wired 17.05 (May 2009) I picked up the latest issue of Wired. A bunch of famous puzzlers made puzzles for it. There's, like, hidden puzzles inside. I didn't make it very far. There's a lot of stuff in Wired magazine. ...


Link: Ken Jennings roolz San Francisco City Hall runs this town. And who runs city hall? Not Gavin Newsom--he's bumbling around, grooming himself for a gubernatorial run. Fortunately Jeopardy star Ken Jennings stepped in to keep city ha...


Link: Warren Spector, Playing Word Games Warren Spector does not, as far as I know, play uppercase "T" The uppercase "G" Game. But he designs lowercase "g" games. He worked on some good stuff for the Paranoia pencil-and-paper RPG... uhm, ...


Book Report: Going Postal Skott raises an excellent point: The diskworld novels also have golems. E.g., I read Going Postal. I read this Diskworld novel because it's where the puzzler team "The Smoking GNU" got their name. ...


Jack O' Lantern Hidden Message Pumpkins? This year, I can't deal with pumpkins. This year, I'm leting Hallowe'en slide. My free time goes into BANG 19. Puzzles and logistics, logistics and puzzles. That's plenty to think about....


Not exactly Puzzlehunts Tom Lester and Annie Burnham got married today. You might remember them from BANG 13... but it's been a couple of years, so you don't have to feel bad if you don't remember. But they're married now,...


Puzzles from Down Under I don't know anything about the puzzles announced at the Google Australia Blog which is a little frustrating because I'm apparently not supposed to register to look at them.Labels: link, puzzle scene...

Permalink : Register or be Anti-Social Behold a lovely forum for discussing puzzle hunts, puzzle magazines, and stranger things. It's new, so there's not much there yet. Scott Blomquist set it up and seeks your frankest feedback. He wri...


Puzzle Hunts aren't really Everywhere I saw a campaign poster for Obama. It read Fired Up And Ready To Go ...laid out with those line breaks. I'm so acrostically minded that I found it crudely funny. I blame the puzzle hunts. (I a...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, I Get Tired Just Reading About Them Dave Hill posted his write-up of Hot Springs Midnight Madness 2007, which sounds like it was pretty awesome. These people are outside, at night, in the snow solving puzzles, if I'm interpreting thos...


Not-exactly Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere Item: Saturday, I wanted to vote, so I walked through the Haight and down to City Hall. In the Haight, I noticed some young folks in matching t-shirts scurrying around. So I observed and eavesdroppe...


Puzzles are Everywhere, Maybe Even mental_floss I work at an internet search company. I think that the awesome part about internet search is that you don't have to remember stuff anymore. If you might need to know the capital of California in th...


Book Report: Brainiac It's a book about trivia by Ken Jennings, that guy who kept winning at Jeopardy!. Fortunately, this book is about a lot more than just Jeopardy!. The author explores the world of trivia--the histor...


Link: Changing Roles of Katakana (and Italics) I just read an article with some conjectures about the cultural significance of the rise and fall of katakana amongst Japanese writing systems. Hey, gimme a break, I'm waiting for a slow download, I...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere, but I guess they get lost anyhow I don't read Eric Harshbarger's LOGOLOG blog very often. Hey, give me a break--it doesn't have a feed. Thus, I have to remember to check it. I checked it today, thus finding some week-old ne...


Book Report: Ilium Raymond Chen, celebrity blogger, gave a talk at my place of employment yesterday. Afterwards, I went up to ask him a question. (Well, OK, to request that he apply his combination of knowledge of En...


Not exactly a Book Report; Not exactly PuzzleHunt-Related If you've always meant to check out the magazine Giant Robot but never got around to it, now you have some more motivation. Issue #44, in stores now, has an interview with Tetsuya Nishio. Yeah,...


Link: Iron Puzzler If you're on the Bay Area Night Game mailing list, then you already know that Iron Puzzler is coming up. So I don't know why I even mention it.Labels: puzzle scene...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere / Sad News If you've played in bay area puzzle-hunt games, you might have met a sweet dog named Libby. She traveled in the company of Alexandra Dixon, captain of Team Mystic Fish. Libby died on Friday night; s...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere as Is Music Yes it is the Shinteki Decathlon II report, in which team Underlying Metaphors ("We will not be understood until it is TOO LATE") sweats a lot. Fair warning: there's not much in there abou...


Puzzle Hunts are Everything I Read About, Even When They Aren't Saturday, there was a lot of puzzlehuntish activity on the peninsula. I wasn't playing in it. Well, not much. I knew that a bunch of folks were gathering for that PerplexCity hunt--people would ru...


Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere I Go Long day at work; long bus ride back to my neighborhood; I blearily walk along Irving Street, thinking about dinner. But then I recognize the map-festooned jacket ahead of me. It's Dwight Freund, f...


Links: Quality Content on the Internets Wow, it's a blog entry with a small pile of misc links. That's so retro. If you're into puzzles, set up your Personalized Google Home Page, and add some content to it. What content should you add?...


Hiding Data in Metadata I'm flipping through this telegraphic code book which E. E. Morgan's Sons used for encoding messages long ago. Most of it consists of code words to convey phrases. E.g., instead of sending "one hund...

